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Steeple Nursery School, Steeple Road, Antrim


Steeple Nursery School is on a green site campus close to the centre of Antrim. The school opened in 1975 with an enrolment of 50 full-time places, throughout the years the school has had to change to part-time places to meet the demands of the community. Over the years our school has been extended and accommodates 156 children for part-time places.

3 Morning Classes x 26 children (9.00am - 11.30 am)

3 Afternoon Classes x 26 children (12.30 - 3.00pm)

Our vision:

We aim to provide a warm, inviting, nurturing, stimulating environment.  We offer a wide range of learning opportunities and experiences that will support children in developing in all six areas of the pre school curriculum, and in becoming happy, confident learners. 

Our emphasis is on learning through play in an environment planned to encourage discovery, independence and social interaction. Children are encouraged to help themselves, take initiative and become increasingly independent in order to develop self-esteem and social competence. It is important that children develop a sense of trust and are comfortable in their environment. A parent or consistent caregiver is asked to stay with the child until teaching staff indicate that a separation is appropriate and can be comfortably accomplished.

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Comments from Education and Training Inspectorate inspection


• The nursery school’s vision to empower children to become happy and confident learners is achieved fully through the nurturing and stimulating provision that values the views and interests of the children and aligns with their status as a ‘Rights Respecting’ nursery school.
• The high-quality interactions of the skilful staff are impacting positively on the children’s learning and on their health and wellbeing.
• The staff know the children well and make insightful observations of the children’s learning to effectively inform planning and to ensure progression across all areas of the pre-school curriculum.
• The children use naturally early mathematical language during play and are developing well their independence, confidence and resilience as they explore the extensive outdoor learning environment.
• The children who have been identified as having special educational needs are fully involved in the life of the nursery school and are making good progress.
• The staff have established very effective respectful relationships with parents/carers and value them as an integral part of the nursery school community.
• At the time of the inspection, the evidence provided by the nursery school demonstrates that the arrangements for child protection align to the current statutory guidance.

Steeple Nursery School is achieving successfully its child-centred and inclusive vision. The children are happy, confident learners who are benefitting from investigative and exploratory play in a highly stimulating learning environment.
Inspectors identified an aspect of highly effective practice from which others may learn. The aspect of practice which should be shared more widely is:
• the staff’s high-quality role modelling and effective interactions which encourages the children to problem-solve, develop their thinking skills and extend their learning.
The ETI will continue to work with Steeple Nursery School, including to share the example of highly effective practice set out above from which others may learn.